Saturday, July 6, 2013

O Canada!!!

Well we finally made our initial long term destination, Banff Canada. It may be the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Granite mountains surround this quaint little village. I am sitting in a coffee shop (not Starbucks, which is across the street) looking at a church spire with the back drop of Mt Rundles behind it. Amazing!

We arrive yesterday after a long travel day made much longer by a couple of truckers that collided and left an oil spill on the highway. Two hours of sitting in the truck playing our new favorite game "Heads Up". You can get the app for a buck. We saw a family playing in a bar and fell in love with it. Check it out.

Ms Charlotte was not pleased about the fact that our campsite only had electric and no water or sewage. As she says, "We have talked more about poo in the last month than in her entire life".
It's true, poo is a daily conversation about this like "if it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down". Very stimulating and educational chat. It seemed a bit unfair to be paying about $50 per night to camp. But after checking the local hotel rates and seeing a Day Inn nightly rate of $280 we relaxed a bit. But hey, it's Calgary Stampeded Days so everything is inflated.

Our nicest experience yesterday was stopping for "push" and some lunch. The diner was called Humpty's. We did not expect much, but were delighted when they brought Charlotte one of the best "Veggie Burgers" she his eaten on the trip. My Spinach salad was delicious as well. Go Figure.

So the life lesson from the Road is "Don't judge a restaurant by it's name or looks".

The fishing is not happening since the rivers are still blown out from the recent floods. We crossed sections of the interstate that had been completely washed away by the raging torrents coming down from the mountains. It reminded me of the Big Thompson flood in Colorado in 1976.

Canada is also one of the cleanest places I have ever been. Not even cigarette butts on the ground at stop lights. Amazing. Like the Canada Party folks say, Canada - America only better.

I am beginning to understand why folks like becoming Expats up here. Just don't ask me to convert 116.9 cents per liter to US prices. For me it's impossible. So I just say pump and pay and move on my way.

We have logged almost 4000 miles and we've only been on the road a month. And we have fished at least 10 major rivers and 8 creeks. Life is good.

You can see a bunch of pics at

Also, Ms Charlotte is a Canadian Celebrity. She was interviewed by the local news channel in Lethbridge, Alberta about coming up to Canada after the floods. She is deciding whether to post it so you can see it or not. JoJo was a star as well. I was off getting the oil changed in the truck so I missed it all.


Capt, Char, Jojo

1 comment:

  1. We read your blogs out loud and feel like we are with you guys! Glad to have you at breakfast with us this morning.
