Sunday, June 9, 2013

Poetry Reading

Most of you most likely don't know that I write a little poetry and do a little storytelling. But if you do know me, you know that I do love to tell a good story.

Last night in Denver I was featured Poet/Storyteller at Stage C, which is a local Denver institution. The venue last night was the famous Mercury Cafe, a funky restaurant bar with a venue for performers. It's a throwback from the 70's for sure. Lots of tapestries and Christmas lights everywhere.

We arrived early and had a wonderful dinner with the couple that started Stage C a number of years ago, Marcella Skogen and Wayne Massi.

Since most of you weren't there, I thought I would share the first piece I read. It's about searching the highways across America looking for an old fashioned honest to God service station. They are few and far between. If you know of one of these places please let us know. We would love to stop by and filler 'er up.

I hope you enjoy........

The Road Seems so easy 
when looking at it from the comfort of my home.
Reality always seems to show up a little differently than in my dreams.

Sometimes harder --- but mostly just... different

On the maps all the places appear to be closer together than I expect it will take us to cover that piece of ground.

The maps don’t really give you much information about the turf between the dots on the paper. That is where the action is!!

Tiny diners along the blue highways selling coconut cream pies and velvet pictures of Elvis alongside “official” jackets with NASCAR emblazoned across the back.

We pass along abandoned service stations that gave up trying to compete with the big chain outfits like Roadrunner, Quick Mart, Kum and Go, U-totem, Tote and Poke, -- the list goes on forever.

But we keep looking for one of the good old boy stations  where someone greets you with a red rag hanging out of their back pocket and a cigarette hanging out of the corner of their mouth.

With their names displayed proudly across their hearts – gas station attendant names like Leroy, Gus, Sparky, Joe bob, Clarence and Boo.

We haven’t found one yet, but we will keep looking for a real gas station that sells Peppermint Patties and Chicken Stix.

Capt Coy and Ms Charlotte 


  1. There has got to be one out there somewhere! We have one in Hot Springs at the corner of Third and Grand. Leos! He hates taking credit cards cause that damn machine is so difficult to use! Peace and safe travels!
    I know you did good last night and I am proud of you! Remember we are going to do a duo when you get back to HS!

  2. Gotta love those Christmas lights! Loving your blogs!
